Quiet is the antithesis of what you would expect from Jessica Spates, a New York City girl who has lived in our ABC house as a student and is now joining program as a Resident Assistant. Yet, quiet is Jessica’s alter ego.
Jessica graduated AHS in 2008. She fondly remembers Friday night as scary movie night. The ABC students would rent a scary movie from Blockbuster in North Andover, back when movies came from brick and mortar stores, and all would gather in the front room to watch. It didn’t matter if the movie was a foreign film with subtitles as long as it was scary, which wasn’t always quiet!
Jessica is a 2012 graduate of Wesleyan, where she received a BA in German Studies. She lived in Germany for seven months on an exchange program and loved the German food and, yes, the quiet. She likes cats, as they are quiet pets, and has a cat named Zachary, who currently resides with Jess’s mom.
In addition to her role as Resident Assistant, Jess works as a behavioral and youth counselor at Youth Villages in Arlington, a residential program for young women. She likes returning to Andover in the evening where it is, you guessed it, quiet and is finding time to try her hand at painting. “Painting is a great way to relax,” Jess commented and, yes, it is quiet.
Please join us in welcoming Jess in her new role as Resident Assistant.