2020 Honor Roll of Donors

In memory of long-time friends who volunteered and supported the program for many years:

Kathleen Murphy Hess August 25, 1948 - July 3, 2020

Note: This report gratefully acknowledges gifts dated Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020


Champion ($5,000+)
Lynn & David Eikenberry
Stephen & Frances Fink Family Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation
Peter & Nancy Jeton
Charles & Suzanne Kendrick Jr.
James & Cynthia Uppendahl Marsh
Pritchard Family Foundation

Advocate ($2,000-$4,999)
Wai Gee & Mei Chu
Susan E. Connolly
Ron & Carolyn Dann
Chelsea Frei
Beth Winkowski & Robert Hodgkinson
Diane & Andy Shen
Louise & Reed Valleau
Anne & Jeff Wakelin

Promoter ($1,000-$1,999)
Robin & James Buhrer
Thomas Childs & Julie Ireland Childs
Eugenio Concepcion Jr.
Donna & Gwynn Crowther
Allison Reilly & Ian Dowe
Allison Bray Reilly
Kathleen Brenner & Chris Duble
Thomas & Joan Feeley
Carlo & Rhea Felicia - In Memory of Pablo G. Felicia
Christopher & Martha Grant
John Hess - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
John Hess
Rebecca & David Joyner
John & Louise MacMillan IV
Gina & Steve Murray
Jo-Ann Newcomb
Robert & Toby Coltin O'leary
Mary Pritchard, Pritchard Fund via Essex County Community Foundation
Anonymous - In Honor of Salazar Family
Susan Garth Stott - In Honor of Mary Pritchard
Susan Garth Stott - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Goodman-Swindell Family Foundation
Tatiana Tway
Nancy & Michael Vogler
Nicole & John Wiggins
Bonnie Zahorik & Alec MacGregor

Motivator ($600-999)
Robert & Susannah Abbott
Robert & Susannah Abbott, Oracle Corporation
Philip Kurinsky & Lori Barsalou
Philip Kurinsky & Lori Barsalou, Salesforce.org
Denise Bordonaro & David Johst
Priscilla Krey Loring
David & Sandra Meldrum
John & Gabrielle Hager Nossiff
Jacqueline & Brian Pitts
Sharon & Craig Saline
Pamela & Jeff Soltes
John & Elizabeth Waters
Joan Howland Webber - In Memory of Christopher Howland Webber
Patricia Whalen

Benefactor ($500-$599)
Christian & Christine Andersen
Christopher & Deborah Andrews
Michael Arthur & Patricia Keck
John & Maria Bartlett - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
John & Maria Bartlett
Cynthia Bigelow
Chris & Amy Bositis
Family gift from the Bositis-Ananis Families
Dianne Brand, Brand Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation
Marjorie Byers
Lauren M. Conoscenti
Nancy & William Deacon Jr.
The Jeffrey & Mary Gealow Charitable Fund
Daniel & Ann Hall
Heather Moody Holman - In Honor of Sandy & Dave Meldrum home move
Brian Hoyt & Vicki Howe Hoyt
Kathleen Kane-Francalangia - In Honor of Claire Stahley
Peter Beatty & Nancy Kendrick
Peter Beatty & Nancy Kendrick - In Memory of Kathy Hess
James & Kathleen Klauer
Larry & Christine LaFranchi
Dr. Joel & Erlinda Parks
Steve & Pamela Rosenberg
Monalisa & Anuj Shroff
Chris Stamm & Lauren Kosky-Stamm
Richard & Lolli Sumberg, The Sumberg Family Fund
Timothy & Lucy Vaill
AnnMarie Weisman

Mentor ($200-$499)
Sophia & Alasdair Alexander
Joslyn Allen
Stephen & Lisa Andrews
Anonymous - United Way of Mass Bay and Merrimack Valley
Bill McCartney & Tish Bachmann
Dr. David & Mary Berman
Charles & Marian Bicking
Ellen Brezniak
Patricia Fleming & David Brown
Clive Bolton & Lori Buseck
Susan Ann Casey
Gary & Janet Clarke
Daniel & Sherrard Cote
Barry & Amy Finegold
Molly & Will Foley
Emil & Lauren Frei
Robert & Alice Friedenson
Ron Hilbink & Kay Berthold Frishman
Ron Hilbink & Kay Berthold Frishman - In Memory of Kathy Hess
Ron Hilbink & Kay Berthold Frishman - In Memory of Elinor Olney
Joseph & Suzanne Ganem
Tina & Andrew Girdwood Jr.
Tina & Andrew Girdwood Jr. - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Sheila & John Graham
Andrew & Amy Gribbel
Robert & Honore Hager
Rosemary Halloran & Alan S. Harris
Caroline Higgins and BNY Mellon Corporation
Ted & Holly Jenkins
Shawne Robinson & Michellana Jester
John & Margaret Kimball
Lisa Kole
Elmer & Shirley Kountze
Laura Miller & Kent Leonard
Kelly & Matt Lepley
Prudence Barker & David Lewis
Gary & Maria Litvin, Skylight Publishing
Eileen M. Long
Kate & Joel Margolese
H. Stafford McCoart
H. Stafford McCoart - In Honor of Lynne S. McCoart
James L. & Joanne McConaughy
Jim & Kathryn McQuade
Karen McSweeney Couture
Victor J. Mill III
Anil & Naomi Navkal
Nicolette Nordin Heavey
George & Luanne Nugent
Joseph & Joan Kiley O'Brien
Ed & Karen Parker
E. Breck Arnzen & Lani Peterson
Kevin & Therese Reid, FM Global Foundation
Kevin & Therese Reid
Dr. James & Eileen Reilly
Norman & Susan Rice - In Memory of Meredith Price
Norman & Susan Rice
Helaine Palmer & Joseph Ruma - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Meredith & Max Russell
Jill & Stephen Sergeant
Eileen Shannon & Robert Matthews
Amanda & Lou Shipley
Heather & Ken Shows
Patrick Timmons
Anthony & Linda Torrisi
Anthony & Linda Torrisi - In Memory of Kathy Hess
Martha Tubinis
Martha Tubinis - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Yon and Daniel Wacker - In Memory of Kathleen M. Hess
David & Susan Wahr
Elinore Washburn
Anne Wiehe
Nathaniel Williams
Ann Marie Winkowski
Barbara & David Wrightson
Paula & Frank Zavrl
Raymond & Nancy Zemlin

Supporter ($100-$199)
Daniel Abramoski - In Memory of Kathleen Murphy Hess
Jorge & Yasmine S. Allen
William & Marjorie Ballou - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
William & Marjorie Ballou
Angela Bertani
Elizabeth Black
Judy Eskin & Joel Blumstein
Jennifer & Page Bouchard
Dick & Bonnie Bourdelais
Clifford Bourie - In Memory of Kathleen M. Hess
Robert & Linda Brammer
Amy Cannon Warner
Brian & Carol Carmichael
David & Cynthia Cook
David & Cynthia Cook - In Honor of Takisha Galaor '93
David & Cynthia Cook - In Honor of Bob & Dot Klie and Bill & Elinore Washburn
Peggy Kruse & Rich Cloutier
David Corbett
Charles & Margaret Crockett
Katarina Curtin
Sophia Cutler
Emmie Cutler
Sherene S. Davidson Esq.
David Vidoni & Kristen DeAngelo
Susan Feindt & Mike DeLaus
Richard & Suanne Dillman
Emily & Kevin Donovan
Daniel & Erin Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. William Douty, III
Dr. Bruce & Nancy Earnley
Joan & Martin Epstein
Deb Olander & Joseph Ferguson
Eugene & JoAnn Ferraro
Alan French
Michael Frishman
Claire Gallou
Paul & Marilyn Gigliotti
Laverne & Willis E. Gray Jr.
Ronald & Janis Hill
Amy & Carter Holland - In Honor of Megan Casey
Judith & Richard Howe
In memory of Kathy Hess from the Hamlen-Jamali Family of Portland, Maine
Scott Huffer & Catherine Johnson
Joan Johnson
Monique & Norbert Johnson
Renita & Lawrence Johnson MD
Christopher & Erin Klein
Joyce Kung - In Honor of Kathy Hess
Amy & Mika Latva-Koko
Stephen & Sandra Levine
Dick Lux
David Lyons - In Memory of Kathy Hess
Rob & Jill O'Connor Mainiero
Stanley & Kellie Martin
J. Barrett & Marilyn McCarthy
Susan McCready
Sharon McGonigle
Kate McKenna
John McNabb Jr.
Patricia Ratner McWeeney
Yolanda Miller
Biff & Mary Moriarty - In Memory of Ellis Rowe '70
Nancy Mulvey
Syed Shazil Naqvi
Nelson - O'Neil Charitable Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation
Katherine O'Neil & David Nelson
Heather Nichols
Peter Nossiff
William O'Brien Jr.
Robert & Carol Ann O'Handley
Francis & Patricia O'Neil
Gwen & Tony Pace
James & Mary Pannos
Leanne Parziale
Dr. Steven W. Paskal - In Memory of Andrea Lederfine
Kimberly Pegnato
DJ & Mary Ellen Powers - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
DJ & Mary Ellen Powers
Chip & Maura Reardon
Becca & Matt Rogers
Mary Jo Santoro
Thomas & Kathleen Shannon
Wayne & Alyson Shaw
Lisa C. Smith
Judith Astor & Robert Smith
Mary Smith
Marjorie & Frederick Snell
Laurie & Bruce Sorota
Claire & William Stahley
James & Victoria Sutton
Karyna C. Tejeda Hued
Robert & Lucinda Thomas
David & Susan B. Turnbull
Richard & Sally Vogel
Sean & Rev. Dana Allen Walsh
Michael & Susan Wartman - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Karen Waters
Bradley Weeden
Jason & Delia Vallejo Welch
Robert & Pamela Wilkie
Sandis & Brent Wright
Dr. Edward C. Yasuna

Donor (up to $99)
Anonymous - Network for Good
Lourdes Ascona Reynolds
Laurie Banville
Susan Barber Connolly - In Honor of Susan E. Connolly
Seth & Sarah Bardo
Sally Beck
Kimberly Bergey
Margaret Bernhardt
David & Sandra Bertetti
Kashi & Champa Bilwakesh
Nancy & Howard Bliss
Maureen Booth
Adrienne MacNeill & Stephen Boudreau
James & Sasha Nelken Bowden
Joanne L. Bowden-Proctor
Kanoba Bradner
Kathleen M. Brocklesby
Kimberly Brown
William & Gail Burke Jr.
Rosemarie & Jeffrey Buxton
Glenn & Jane Cairns
Dyer & Susan Carroll
Tina Clement
James & Gayle Connolly
Douglas & Amy Cook
Nancy Painter Criscitiello - In Memory of My Sister Margot Painter Bixby
Anne P. Cronin
Nancy Crossfield
Kathleen Crowley
Melissa & Gregory Danisch
Dianne Domenech-Burgos Cruz
Jack and Alix Driscoll - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Maureen Dymek-Valentine
Jan Ellis
Meredith Emery
Ted & Karen English
Carmelle M. Robert & Reginald Erawoc - In Honor of Scholar Gabrielle Erawoc
Robert & Eleanor Everett
Mrs. Carmen I. Febres Guzman
Peter & Florence Feldman-Wood
Amy Fenton
Michael & Sondra Finegold
Dennis & Eileen Forgue
Michael Foster
Leslie Frazier
Joyce D. & Laurence A. Gibson
Kathleen Bates & Theodore Gilmore - In Memory of Kathy Hess
Kristen & Sarah Blumenstock Girrell
Anita, Ava, Hannah, Garrett Goff
Josephine A. Goldin
Sally P. Gordon - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Nicole Gorman
Michelle Grasso
Celina Griffin
Peter Hall
Richard & Randall Hanson - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Jennifer Harrison
Eric & Lori Healy
Judith & Richard Howe - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Terry & Carol Ireland
Lynne Kasparian and Jonathan Unger - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Elke Kappeler
Jill Kessler
Margery Kimpton
Sara Landry
Ms. Rebecca Lee
Charlotte & Paul Lyons
Francis & Michelle Maldari
Linda Maletz
Sean McCarthy
Daniel McDuffie
Dr. Marinel McGrath
Laura McVeigh
Helena Minton - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Brad & Rachel Murphy
A Rebecca Murray
Taejasvi Narayan
Mary Beth Nason
John Newton
David & Cornelia Norris
John Nossiff
Thomas & Geraldine O'Brien
Cord & Elin Ohlenbusch
Ruthy Olney - In Memory of Elinor Olney
Erin L. Palmer
David & Rachel Penner
Philip & Patricia Quinn - In Memory of Meredith Price
Jane Richard
Anthony & Marie Risitano
Willard & Joyce Robinson - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Willard & Joyce Robinson
Donald D. Sagaser
Suzanne & Norman Scarpulla
William & Donna Schroeder
James & Helen Sellers
Eileen Shannon & Robert Matthews - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Alexander Shea Will
Elizabeth Sherman
Brenda and Stephen Short
Mark Cardono & Tracy Sioussat
Reginald & Aleksandra Stapczynski - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Maura Ward & Andrew Szendey
Jacquelyn Thrasivoulos
Julie & David Tremblay
Karen & Jack Herman - In Memory of Kathy Hess
William & Diana VanAken
Morgan von Prelle Pecelli PhD
Alex Vyshetsky
Anonymous - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Geoffrey & Gloria Wager
Sally Wallace - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Taylor & Adam Ware
Kerri & Joseph Wenson
Emily Williams
Asim Zaheer


Leader ($10,000+)
Cummings Foundation, Inc.
Cummings Foundation, Inc., In Honor of Christina Berthelsen

Champion ($1,000-$9,999)
Foundation M
Laura B. Kurzrok, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Lori Michaud J.McLaughlin
Quota International of Andover
Rogers Family Foundation
South Church
The Hidden Garden Fund at the Boston Foundation

Mentor ($200-$999)
Free Christian Church

Supporter ($50-$199)
Enterprise Bank
Friends of Andover Memorial Hall Library - In Memory of Kathleen Hess
Jill's Necklaces
Konjoian Education Center
Shenna E. Shepard Richards Lakin House

A Better Chance of Andover | P.O. Box 212 Andover, MA 01810